Dormammu was the Secret Weapon EVO 2012 UMvC3 Grand Finals

By goukijones — July 10, 2012
Tags: video

When Champ got put into losers, he switched to Dormammu and never looked back.

I really don't think anyone was expecting to see such a devastating Dormammu from Champ that night. His plan was brilliant. Use Phoenix untl everyone figures it out, it got him all the way to the finals. The switch to Dorm and pwn the world. His Dormammu was amazing. Just as scary as that Gouki in the Street Fighter. Shout out to Champ once again, he looked like he belonged up there. Number 1 in the World! for him. 

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Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Gouki Box Art

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Dat Sentinel...

BatRastered rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Rent it
Jul 11, 2012 by BatRastered


Sadly for everyone else, I don't know if anyone has a better Phoenix or Dormammu. Dorm with Doom missiles assist? You're all done for! Yeah, BatRastered, that Sentinel was the only thing that almost tamed the beast! GDLK play out there!

guano rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Jul 12, 2012 by guano


Dormammu was everywhere when the game was new. Nasty dude to be against.

dragonkiss83 rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Jul 21, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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