Duke Nukem Forever Demo Detailed

By Cinderkin — October 7, 2010
Tags: demo news preview

I've copied and pasted an article talking about an upcoming demo for Duke Nukem Forever. Not because I'm lazy, but because typing anymore than this about Duke will just Depress me.

Those of you that are anxiously awaiting your opportunity to play Duke Nukem Forever should be aware that 2K Games today announced that picking up a copy of Gearbox Software’s Borderlands Game Of The Year Edition, releasing October 12 for PC, PS3, and 360, will grant you early access to highly-anticipated Duke demo.

Yep, those that pick up the GOTY version of Borderlands will receive a key to the “Duke Nukem Forever First Access Club” granting its members access to various exclusive goodies including the demo before it is publicly released.

Only thing – we don’t know when that will be… 2K only states that the demo will be released “prior to the retail launch of the game”, which is currently slated for sometime next year. Also, we don’t know how much lead time the fancy pants First Access Club members will have before the Duke demo becomes publicly available.

Of course, we’ll keep you informed, but those of you on the fence about Borderlands Game Of The Year Edition might have just received your purchase incentive.


Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!


Source: http://www.gametrailers.com

Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem Forever Gouki Box Art

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