Duke Nukem Forever FnJimmy Golden Video Review

By fnjimmy — July 11, 2011
Tags: duke-nukem exclusive exclusive-video fnjimmy golden-video-review review

This is the one you've been waiting for? I've been waiting for 10 years or is 12? I'm not going to say anything. Please leave a comment.

Duke Nukem Forver FnJimmy Golden Video Review

Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem Forever Gouki Box Art

27 Stories

Release Date: Jun 14, 2011

Buy it! 18% - Rent it! 64% - Flush it! 18%

once it hits the bargin bin................IM IN!

blazemanx rated Duke Nukem Forever Rent it
Jul 11, 2011 by blazemanx


This video is just... Amazing.

BatRastered rated Duke Nukem Forever Flush it
Jul 11, 2011 by BatRastered


That intro would be scary with a buzz. Who yelped at like 4:50? That video from Blazemanx at the end was probably the best part of the video. I can't believe this what they decided to put out to try and bring Duke back.

dragonkiss83 rated Duke Nukem Forever Rent it
Jul 11, 2011 by dragonkiss83


WOW i just looked at the very end i didn't know my video was put in there fucking AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

blazemanx rated Duke Nukem Forever Rent it
Jul 11, 2011 by blazemanx


duke nukem baby badass game I like shooting the pig guys heads off it's fucking bloody and duke always says something badass like suck on this little piggy or some other random shit wich is one of the things that makes this game fun lol

kof2012 has not rated Duke Nukem Forever yet.
Jul 12, 2011 by kof2012


I heard that the game is slightly better on the PC version from someone who played them all. LOL I actually think watching him play might be better than the game itself.

Ripper71 rated Duke Nukem Forever Rent it
Jul 16, 2011 by Ripper71


If you are still thinking about the game you can get it used on amazon for $10 used. So I guess I'll be getting a copy soon.

DragonKiss83 rated Duke Nukem Forever Rent it
Oct 16, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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