E3 2010 Premature!
By reipuerto —
May 29, 2010
Let’s start coming up!
With the Electronic Entertainment Expo, E3, right around the corner, let’s start speculating about what we’re going to hear about our favorite developers from the press conference.
Sony Now, if Sony lets Kevin Butler and Jack Tretton talk on stage, it would be insane! I enjoy Sony for being the middle man in this. They want motion control with Move, and support the gaming community, but they always slip at the last minute. If you can recall from last year, they were going to announce the PSP Go with Gran Turismo, and Little Big Planet PSP but was leaked via their Core episode four days prior their showing! That wasn’t the best move on my behalf, and the screen shots that they are releasing for KillZone 3 are, in my opinion, dumb. Why not wait for E3 and reveal your games and show of to the other companies?! Maybe I don’t see the business side to it. What I hope to see at this year’s E3 is The Last Guaridan, Gran Turismo 5, Infamous 2 or Sly Cooper 4, Final Fantasy XIV, Metal Gear Solid; Raiden/Peace Walker, SOCOM 4, Little Big Planet 2, Kingdom Hearts 3/Birth by Sleep, and God of War; Ghost of Sparta. If they demonstrate like they did two years ago with Little Big Planet, and bring the same style with Little Big Planet 2, they’ll win for creativity. I’m also expecting some strong partnerships with their only rental service like cable, or maybe the PSP2!
Microsoft One of the heavy hitters at the last few E3s. With everyone jumping on the motion controls band wagon, Project Natal will be no exception. Natal will have half of the conference, right after they tell you how much their online blows everyone out of the water. Natal will be interesting. Maybe they’ll release a PSP/DS style handled. You can dream right? Come on, don’t you want to play Gears 3 standing? Waving your hands in the air? Which leads me to the games! Let’s see if they show some trailer/gameplay to Gears of War 3, Fable 3, Halo Reach, Natal and…. Wait, what else do they have?!? Naw, but I’m sure they’re going to gave a mention to the Zune, all three of you, and more Natal features. Zzzz…
P.S. Watch this video to see Kevin Butler, KB, make fun of Project Natal.
Nintendo Last but not least, Nintendo. Let’s hear that they have games this year too. Last year was a fantastic year, compared to the previous years, so this year, they better whip it out. With the new hardware already out of the bag, the DS3D will be the talk of the show. I would honestly like to see some software for Nintendo than anything else. Golden Sun DS, Kirby(for any Wii or DSi/3D), Zelda, Metriod: Other M, Pikmn 3, F-Zero, Kid Icarus, Pokemon Black & White, Sonic Colors, Star Fox, Epic Mickey and any crazy secret game they always do. I just hope that it won’t be a sleeper from two years ago.
Third Parties These developers whore themselves out and they make money on the games we will, and, buy. Not going to the specifics on which developers I want to see show off their junk, but more important the games. Call of Duty; Black Ops, Marvel Vs. CAPCOM 3, Batman; Arkham Asylum 2, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon; Future Solider, King of Fighter XIII, Dead Space 2, Crysis 2, Castlevania; Lord of Shadow, Star Wars(All 30 of them) Naruto; Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, and Rock Band 3.
I’m sure the games, demonstration and events will be a year to remember. After all, it’s the year to stroke your hands for real gameplay. Motion control style!
And KB once again.
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Release Date:
Sep 20, 2011