E3 2011 Dragon's Dogma 7 Mins Off Screen Gameplay

By goukijones — July 2, 2011
Tags: dragons-dogma e3-2011 exclusive exclusive-video fnjimmy gameplay off-screen

Dragon's Dogma looks amazing, but how does it play? Team Gouki got hands-on with this new Capcom RPG at E3 2011. 7 Minutes of gameplay featuring the Chimera battle and FnJimmy's exclusive take.

Before I get into the FnJimmy take and the 7 minutes video let me just tell you, I am hype for this game. This was the first game I played at E3 this year and I was terrible at it. I fought the Griffin, like you've seen from the video. I had no idea what was going on, later I figured out that I was supposed to coordinate with my party to take down the giant flying Jimmy bird. The  load screen that shows you the button is hilarious. I've never seen so many commands for one game. 

I got my butt kicked by that Griffin, I'm sure if I had a little more experience with the game, I would have raiped it. I don't know how I feel about the party system just yet. You can see in the video below that graphics -especially when the Chimera finally dies- needs a little work. I guess we'll have to wait and see when the game is released sometime in 2012. Sad face.

7 Minutes of Gameplay and FnJimmy's Exclusive Take


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