E3 2011 quick take: Resistance 3 in 3D

By BatRastered — June 21, 2011
Tags: 3d e3-2011 hands-on insomniac-games preview resistance-3 wildrant

I got a chance to play Resistance 3 at Sony's E3 2011 booth, here's my take.

FnJimmy and I were waiting in line to play some Resistance 3 at Sony's booth. We thought we were going to play some multiplayer. Turns out we were playing the campaign even though they had the TVs set up side by side like the do for all their MP demos (like Uncharted and Starhawk). The Sony rep points me at the second TV in the row, lucky me, I got the one with 3D enabled. I put the goggles on over my glasses, not particularly comfortable, but not too bad until I also try to put the headphones on, now I've got three things on my ears.

Anyway the game controlled and felt like I expected, complete with the Sony R1 instead of trigger to fire that I've come to hate and expect in every exclusive PS3 game. (Seriously, WTF?) 

I don't know if something was wrong with the 3D goggles (low battery?) or if all the E3 lights and flashes were interfering with the signal, but I had a bunch of cross talk, to the point that I had two reticules to aim through which obviously made targeting a bit of a trick. I wasn't sure if I should aim at the left, right, or split the difference. By the end of the demo... well I didn't stay for the end of the demo, I just quit after about 5 minutes as I did not want to spend the rest of my day at E3 with a splitting (see what I did there) headache.

Resistance seems like an above-average FPS in a market flooded with them, so I'm not super hyped about it (especially given the PS3 exclusive controls, I like my FPS on the 360).  I'm totally not excited for 3D to come to my house any time soon.

Resistance 3 ships September 6, 2011 for the PS3.

Resistance 3

Resistance 3 box art

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Release Date: Sep 6, 2011

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