E3 2012 Aliens Colonial Marines multiplayer hands on demo
By BatRastered —
June 22, 2012
GoukiJones, FnJimmy, and BatRastered got to play the multiplayer demo of Aliens Colonial Marines at E3 2012. Who's that playing as the Xenomorphs against them? Oh, that's just the Gearbox dev and test teams.
Yeah, we were a little disappointed when we were told that we wouldn't get to play as the Xenomorphs in the demo, as you can see in the video they play third person, and they have the ability to see in the dark and through walls, basically they always know where you are. The balance is achieved by the fact that they have to get close to attack, so the Xeno's are basically playing a more stealth based game while the Marines play a more traditional FPS.
Watch out for the Crusher!
We did get to play as the Marines however, and that was still fun. There are a couple of different classes to choose from (your basic shotgunner, machine-gunner, and assault rifle based classes) each with a secondary fire ability (the pulse rifle has a undermount grenade launcher for instance). You could also find powerful tools in the map, such as the smart gun that tracks alien movement while you shoot. I think that's how FnJimmy got most of his kills, how else do you explain him going 10-2 against the dev team? You can pull out the iconic motion tracker at any time but beware, this lowers your weapon and leaves you vulnerable to attack! You'll quickly learn to stay with your teammates or get singled out and die when an alien grabs you from behind. In this sense, the Marines gameplay could be compared with the L4D series more so than a Halo or CoD type game. Even better, if you pre-order the game, you can play as the Marines from Aliens (Hudson, Hicks, Apone, and Drake)... Game over man!
We only got to play Team Death Match, but we were told to expect several other modes when the game ships in February 2013. Hyped!
Release Date:
Feb 12, 2013