Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Anniversary Edition Coming Soon!

By Cinderkin — May 25, 2011
Tags: amazon elder-scrolls news oblivion skyrim

According to Amazon.com there will be a new Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion box set coming. Called the Anniversary Edition. Check it out!

The pack includes The Elder Scrolls IV: Game of the Year Edition, content from the game’s “Collector’s Edition”, and a “$10 off” coupon for Skyrim. All for the low price of $29.99.

I love this game and this is one hell of a deal. For anyone who hasn't played the game yet, or who doesn't own all of the DLC this is your ticket. Don't be a Jimmy!

Source: Amazon.com


I've got the game of the year edition and love it. There is so much to do I'm still not done with it. If you like RPG's and haven't got this yet $30 buys you a lot of game. Plus 10 off for Skyrim so you're basically only paying 20 for it.

I've seen this story all over the place. I'ld buy it again for $20 if it wasn't still on my shelf.

May 25, 2011 by DragonKiss83


I might start using Amazon, always has that $10 thing yea? After a few games that builds up to buying a free game and so on doesn't it?

May 25, 2011 by iorilamia


i played the shit out of this game i will probably write a story about this game going into caves and not coming out for at least 2 days and pushing people off of cliffs lol

May 25, 2011 by kof2012


nice i love this game i wish it came with a collectible toy

May 28, 2011 by shamelessbamf

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