Endor DLC for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Review
By BatRastered —
December 17, 2010
Want to drop kick some Ewoks? It's only a dollar.
I saw an ad for the Endor DLC on my XBOX welcome screen the other day. I thought I might check it out since I'm apparently the only one in the galaxy who liked the Force Unleashed games.
It sounded interesting, I mean who wouldn't want to rail some ewoks? Then I saw the price... 80 MSP... Only a dollar? Fuck yeah! Special guest appearances by Han and Chewie and Leia are also fun.
The DLCs for the Force Unleashed 1 & 2 take place outside the main story line, and are kind of a "what if" Starkiller was truly 100% darkside. You kill Bobba Fett and Obi-wan and fucking Luke in the DLCs for the first game, so I knew what to expect from this.
Starting it up was kind of weird, since I had already leveled up all my force powers, I would've been too overpowered, I guess, so the game dropped me to two in each of the skill I had maxed out at 3 previously. Still, level 2 force lightning is more than enough to fry an ewok. Pro tip: Force grab an enemy or two, pick them up off the ground, throw your lightsaber at them to impale, then electrocute them with force lightning, then throw the whole electrified mess at their friends. Good times.
As fun as it is to beat up on the ewoks, there is a reason the DLC is only a dollar. I beat it in about an hour, and I don't think I rushed that much. Yeah, there's still some holocrons for me to find, but it is a VERY short DLC. After I beat it, there was an unskippable credits that I swear lasted as long as the DLC.
Overall, it's definitely worth a fucking dollar. Buy it.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Oct 26, 2010