Community Evil Ryu vs Gouken
By starlordtitus —
June 15, 2011
The Satsui No Hado has taken full form. Ryu's life was spared in the battle with Akuma and as a result, has fully engulfed Ryu with it's dark influence. Now all thirsts for is blood and a fight to the death worthy of his new found power.
Reader's Note: The following story can be played with Evil Ryu's Theme video and Gouken vs Ryu Theme video when prompted to.
After the battle with Oni, Gouken has taken some peace in the immediate area and has decided to go into the closest town to observe fighters of today's generation. As we he walks through, he notices the town is mostly empty at first glance. He see's posters plastered everywhere of a wanted man. Upon closer inspection, Gouken is surprised to see Ryu on the posters! Taken over by the dark hado, Gouken decides to stop Ryu from ravaging the town and re-seal the Satsui No Hado. He hears some yelling and screaming in the distance as he approaches the middle of the town. Behind him, he hears a voice, "Master?? Hey! Wait up!" (Gouken) "Ken? What brings you to this town?". Ken catches his breath and explains. (Ken) "Master, it's Ryu! He's in trouble! He fought against Akuma and was struck with the Shun Goku Satsu[Raging Demon]! The finishing blow nearly killed Ryu but in that moment the Satsui No Hado was released and Ryu embraced it's power!" (Gouken) "Hmm...I see." Gouken took a few seconds for thought. Akuma had already given him too much trouble as it was for him to have turned Ryu into a killer, it must have been before his battle with the villian Gouken thought, for Ken seemed to possess no knowledge that Akuma had become Oni. For now however, Gouken needed to focus on bringing Ryu's humanity back. (Gouken) "Ken, listen closely, go to Ryu and tell him a powerful warrior awaits him for a fight to the death." (Ken) "Master?". (Gouken) "He will not be able to GO!" (Ken) I'm on it!!" Ken takes off to find Ryu, a look of determination is left on Gouken's face. What if he had killed Akuma all those years ago, would he have thwarted all this chaos.....but now was not the time, Gouken took off for the forest.
[Activate Evil Ryu's Theme]
Ken finds Ryu with a civilian being choked and risen off the ground. (Ken) "PUT HIM DOWN RYU!!" The dark warrior slowly looks upon Ken, a devious smile on his face. (Ken) "You a real fight?? There's a more powerful warrior than you waiting in the forest for a fight to the death!!" Evil Ryu looks upon Ken, he's caught his attention. He drops the man, discarding him like common trash. (Evil Ryu) "More powerful you say......heh heh heh ah ha ha ha! I HIGHLY DOUBT THAT! I will kill him as well as you!!!" Evil Ryu fires a dark Hadouken at Ken, but Ken dodges out of the way. Ken takes off through the town, Evil Ryu following closely behind. As Ken is running through the town, destruction is left behind in Evil Ryu's wake as he fires dark fireballs towards Ken. The chase brings them to the entrance edge of the forest. Ken quickly hides in the tress. (Evil Ryu) "WHERE ARE YOU!!?". Ken waits for his master in anticipation. Gouken prepares to step forward. A voice speaks to Evil Ryu, "You disappoint me Ryu." The dark warrior looks towards the shadowy trees, a tall fighter steps from the shadows. (Sagat) "I expected more integrity from you". To Gouken's and Ken's surprise, Sagat has surfaced and is apparently challenging Evil Ryu!!!
(Evil Ryu) "HA HA HA! THIS IS THE POWERFUL WARRIOR!? Tell me Sagat....does it still hurt? DOES THE SCAR I GAVE YOU STILL THRIVE WITH AGONY??". (Sagat) "My scar only reminds me of how far I've come as a warrior. I would think of all would be the one to understand a fighter's spirit is greater than any pain a punch can inflict. You've given in to the Satsui No Hado, your integrity is lost, your fists will have no honor......BUT I, RYU, WILL HELP YOU TO RECOVER THAT HONOR!" (Evil Ryu) "I CRAVE TO YOU SEE YOU TRY!!". Sagat runs forward to Evil Ryu and attacks with a Tiger Knee! Evil Ryu blocks it and counters with a Hurricane Kick! Sagat blocks the barrages of kicks then grabs the dark warrior to throw him but Evil Ryu counters by headbutting Sagat in the face! Sagat staggers but quickly regains composure! Evil Ryu dashes in and attacks with a right and left hook, Sagat blocks left to right then counters with a thrusting kick to Evil Ryu's chest! Evil Ryu blocks with both arms and the two warriors disband.
(Sagat) "Your fighting prowess has increased, Ryu. But you communicate with anger and hatred. Such lust for power will only be your ultimate downfall." (Evil Ryu) "I COULD NOT EXPECT A WEAKLING LIKE YOU TO UNDERSTAND OR BEGIN TO EVEN COMPREHEND THE POWER I NOW WEILD!.....BUT I WILL KILL YOU AND SHOW YOU FIRST HAND WHAT I CAN DO!" Evil Ryu begins to rush in. Sagat stays focused. He stands and closes his eye. Sagat thinks to himself "Ryu, were it not for you, I would have found myself an immature and selfish fighter, fueled by only the will to win. Now, I see the greatness of becoming a a true fighter, one not only with the goal to surpass his limitations, but with the goal to find an inner peace and joy through the art of communicating with one's fist. Ryu.....I WILL BRING YOU BACK FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME!" Sagat opens his eye right as Evil Ryu descends upon him and Sagat then unleashes his Tiget Cannon! A powerfully focused energy blast!! He fires it point blank on Evil Ryu and a huge explosion erupts from the impact! Clouds of dust and debree cover the area, Sagat seperates himslef from the area and observes the cloud of smoke. Gouken and Ken watch from a distance. An serious look on both of their faces. Ken's eyes show concern for his friend Ryu. The clouds of smoke and debree begin to disappear and a shadowy figure is positioned at it's center. Immense energy begins to be drawn into it's center, dark energy accumilating into sphere begins to glow brightly. Evil Ryu has survived and is ready to counter with his Metsu Hadouken!!! (Sagat) "Damn, not even a scratch..." (Evil Ryu) "AH HA HA HA HA! YOU ARE NOTHING! NOW, HAAA DIEEEE!!!" The powerful energy sphere speeds over to Sagat , Sagat stands as if to face his fate, closes his eye.
[Activate Gouken vs Ryu Theme]
Out from the distance and blinding speed, Gouken appears before Sagat! (Gouken) "Not today!" Gouken uses the Power Of Nothingness to manipulate and transfer it's power to his own, a technique he discoverd in the fight with Oni. (Evil Ryu) "What?" (Gouken) "Ryu."...(Evil Ryu) "Old man....errrr.....ugh.....YOU WILL NOT STAND IN MY WAY!" (Gouken) Ryu, it is not too late to turn your back on this madness. I know you are still in there and I will help you see it." (Evil Ryu) "NO! This hadou......IT GRANTS ME POWER, INCREDIBLE POWER! AND I WILL KILL ANY AND ALL WHO STAND IN MY WAY!!!" Gouken's face displays intent determination to silence the dark hado from his former student. (Gouken) "Sagat, allow me to fight in your stead, I must teach my student one final lesson" Sagat looks at Gouken with a sudden stare of awe....(Sagat) ".....I understand". Gouken knods as Sagat joins Ken on the battlefield's side. (Evil Ryu) " I AM TIRED OF WAITING!" Evil Ryu fires a dark hadouken at Gouken, but Gouken uses his Dashing Palm to bypass and dodge the fireball, striking Evil Ryu in his stomach with great speed! (Evil Ryu) "Ugh! OLD MAN YOU WILL NOT LEAVE THIS FIGHT ALIVE!" Evil Ryu rushes in and begins barrage Gouken with punches and kicks. Gouken blocks and dodges the blows hit per hit. Evil Ryu fakes a right kick and 360's into a lunging right punch! Gouken blocks the blow but the fist spirals throught his arms barely touching his chest! The light touch feels like a bee sting to Gouken. Evil Ryu has developed a fighting style that incorporates a burining sensation upon each hit to maximize pain inflicted on his opponents! Gouken looks at Evil Ryu. A malicious grin on his face. (Evil Ryu) "WHAT'S THE MATTER OLD MAN!!?" Evil Ryu lunges forward again with his left fist but Gouken catches his wrist and directs Evil Ryu's body to his Gouken's left elbow, landing a blow to Evil Ryu's side! (Evil Ryu) "RRRRGGHH I WILL KILL YOU!" Evil Ryu's red aura blazes and the Satsui No Hado begins pouring out of the hole in his chest! Gouken see's the source of it's power and sees the opening to end the fight!
Evil Ryu rushes towards Gouken at blinding speed and Gouken readies himself. Evil Ryu undleashes his Messatsu Goshoryu!!! But Gouken applies an EX Kongoshin, a counter to disable and attack Evil Ryu, stopping his attack full force! Evil Ryu is knocked away spinning in the air. Gouken, with inhuman speed, rushes in to the spinning Evil Ryu. While in Evil Ryu is spinning in mid air, Gouken quickly uses The Power Of Nothingness to seal in the Satsui No Hado, applying multiple key points to act as seals. The act displays almost a dance in magnificence. In the next moment, Evil Ryu crashes to the ground. The red aura disappears. Ken and Sagat walk over to Gouken. (Ken) "Is he...going to be okay?" (Gouken) "Attend to him, he will be fine" Ken rushes over to Ryu, his appearance now back to normal. A scar on his chest of the former gaping whole is visible. Gouken begins to take leave. (Sagat) "Gouken!". Gouken stops but doesn't turn around. (Sagat) "Thank You." Gouken then begins to move forward disappears into distance, a setting sun obscuring his figure. Sagat turns to Ken. (Sagat) "Ken, I will take my leave, but Ryu wakes up, tell him I wish to challenge him when he's at full stregnth." Ken pauses, and then smiles. (Ken) "You got it!" Sagat then leaves. Ryu's eyes begin to open. (Ken) "Ryu!" (Ryu) "What happened..." (Ken) "Ryu.....hahaha! You've been given a second chance man, you've been given a second chance..."
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Jun 28, 2011