Community Expect free stuff when PSN returns

By iorilamia — May 1, 2011
Tags: news ps3 ps3-exclusive psn sony

As you may have seen in the news the past few weeks, PlayStation Network has been down. After some recent attacks on Sony's network, they shut everything down and built the system back up. Here is what users will get for the unfortunate wait...


    "Welcome Back" Appreciation Program has been announced to make up for the PSN downtime. Upon PSN's return sometime this week, this is what the program gives us...

And it doesnt stop there! More "Welcome Back" content will be released in the coming weeks. I do think the Welcome Back Program is pleasant. Even though you can't keep majority of the PS+ downlaods, free is cool. Also if Sony goes apeshit on PS+ deals and updates, people may like it enough to buy it afterwards ;) What do you guys think of this? Don't be a jimmy, leave a comment.


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