Fallout 76 Teaser

By goukijones — May 30, 2018
Tags: fallout teaser video

Could it be a new Fallout? Or is this just a glimpse of Bethesda's new BATTLE ROYALE?!

I'm sorry for the BR joke, I know they are going to be running rampant with E3 announcements.  I really hope this new Fallout is a NEW Fallout.  I loved Fallout 4, I but didn't get to spend the time with that game that I wanted to.  My favorite thing was the building and the community management, I really spent most of my time just doing that.  I only had one play through and on my second I focused on building these massive settlements.  Then I sold my Xbox One and didn't save my files and I think about it every day.  Let's go new Fallout with more building and stuff!

Thanks for reading!

Fallout 76

Fallout 76 Gouki Generic Box Art

7 Stories

Release Date: Nov 14, 2018

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