Community Feelings on GuiltyGear and BlazBlue

By iorilamia — December 26, 2010
Tags: blazblue blog rant

Played GuiltyGear since i was young. Wrote on how I feel about the two series, any other fans have some input on how they feel? Decided to write this because as the months pass their is WAY less and less GuiltyGear play and so much BlazBlue expansion.

Well first off, I am originally a GuiltyGear fan before anything else, and it was hard for me to accept BlazBlue's takeover. But I am not completely bias, I tried. Our last versions of GuiltyGear here the two AccentCore games that pretty much fixed and balanced everyhting out nicely (Well, Eddie is still...Eddie).But even with that, the BB Community has been much larger. Upon the release of BB, many people jumped on the bangwagon and loved it, including many old GG players, but with the game being so different, I wouldn't have guessed it taking over the way it did. Since then we have had patches to BB, more games, arcade releases AND DLC. The last year BB has been featured along with ssf4, HDR, and Tekken6 at many of tournaments. With no GuiltyGear in sight (except for the few tournaments that have GG on the side, but it is nothing major and not nearly as many competitors). The only place I see these games still equal is at Evo, where a decent amount of people enter on the side playing BB/GG tournies on small televisions for funzies. What do you guys think about the two games, which is better, why, like them the same, why does it appeal to you and why do you think it appeals to others more? Leave a comment below, and here are my thoughts.

So what makes Blaz B such a popular game so fast?

-Graphics. several of my friends first comments where " dude, the game looks so awesome!" the 3d backgrounds and smooth characters look great.

-Online play. you NEED this now a days.

-Noob friendly easy input mode

- growing game (DLC and new, GG has had many revisions over the years with usually the same roster, and piss people off when they create games like " ISUKA" and "GuiltyGear2")

But in my opinion, the Guilty G upsides are a lot better (besides the online part )

-The game is MUCH faster,has a much better combo system with Fautless romans, cancels and so on leading to crazyness.

- more singe player game modes , to challenge yourself under certain conditions and goals

-graphics. those are some of the best sprites around, they look great and go with the game well. dont need no HD shit.

-characters in GG seem to have a better variety because the BB cast is basically remixed versions of 1-2 characters+ new stuff. Also the ridiculous peronalities of the GG cast are just so lovable.

the music. the bestly metal soundtrack Daisuke Ishiwatari helped create went perfect with the game. I am not against the anime pop music of BB, but personally what GG had fit better, and BB's rock songs just dont have as much "UMPHHH" to them.


overall Blazblue has easier inputs, slower gameplay and not as many ridiculous combos, so it is much more noob friendly and not getting your ass rocked by people who mastered combos. Also the graphics and beauty draw people in aswell, along with the online play keeping people to play more often because online.

In the end I just couldn't do it, i sold my copy of BB, dont play it (even though all my friends do), and find someone to play GG with once in a blue moon. Without online play GG will continue to suffer HARD.


On a side note: thank god Daisuke Ishiwatari didn't want to do a BlazBlue vs GuiltyGear game, to sum it up he felt the same way I did, and did not want that series to cross and mess with guiltygear. My hopes for the future is that they will release one more in my beloved series, and it would be GG:3. Basically the same as Accent-Core Plus, but add in the characters from GG2 Overture( that game sucked, give those characters a rightful place in the 2d realm) with a much enlarged story-line,online play and possible dlc.


I love the way Guilty Gear looks and the fighting game gamer inside of me had to try it out. Didn't like it. At that point I was looking for something too much like SFIII or SFAII. Nothing has ever come close for me.

Dec 27, 2010 by goukijones


BlazBlue is cool, but I much rather play Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and King of Fighters.

I played Guilty Gear back in the day, but never could stay with it. Not my type of fighter I guess.

Dec 27, 2010 by Cinderkin


I'm a big fan of both BB and GG, but if i have to say, I'm more GG than BB. I just love how the mechanics work out in GG (I should know, I own GGX2 on PS2, and GGXAC on Wii). the soundtrack is crazy, and so are the cast of characters. (Huge Chipp Zanuff fan here.) Here's hoping for a new guilty gear game.

Dec 27, 2010 by arthvader


BB less characters and they have the nerve to charge 8 bucks for dlc character without a story to go with. GG crapload of remixes even though they said they wouldn't go the way of SF rehashes. Bloody hypocrites.

Certain character designs for BB and GG are better than SF not all though.

Dec 27, 2010 by shenwoopunch


I'm more of a GuiltyGear fan than BlazBlue, even though they're from the same developers....

Both are cut from the same cloth so they're both great!

Good story.

Dec 27, 2010 by reipuerto


guilty gear is a fast paced fighting game

Jan 12, 2011 by kof2012


I've loved Guilty Gear from the start, but haven't tried Blazblue yet. The roster is limited, but is there a solid variety?

Feb 14, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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