Filipino Champ Feeling Himself/Getting Hype on Stage EVO 2012

By goukijones — July 11, 2012
Tags: evo-2012 video

The video ends with a hand shake and bow from Champ. Keeping it classy!

Champ was on a tear all night and was feeling himself way early on as seen in this video above.

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Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

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You know, I respect this guy so much. In my journey to better understand and experience the meanings and desires of competition, I quickly realized that to some degree, you must believe in your ability to improve and most importantly, you are capable of beating the player next to you... After all you're both human and we all make mistakes capable of being exploited. No one is unbeatable. Cough... Daigo... Filipino Champ's cocksure attitude, love it or hate it is one way to combat the mental game. Him popping off is so entertaining and also an excellent strategy to psych out his opponent. What would Mohamed Ali or Mike Tyson had been without it? ...just to name a few. Man, he even picked up the trophy and claimed it his own during that set if I remember correctly. I am a huge Champ fan. Couldn't have happened to a better dude. I know no one worked harder, regardless of their game, to get their hands on that trophy. I was disappointed that Fanatiq didn't win but if effort equals reward, then the UMVC3 world is in perfect alignment.

guano rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Jul 12, 2012 by guano


It's great to still see him get so hyped. But honestly if you aren't enjoying it like that win or lose your time is better spent elsewhere.

dragonkiss83 rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Jul 21, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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