Filipino Champ keeps it real "[Dios -X-]'s really an idiot."

By goukijones — July 2, 2012
Tags: curleh-mustache filipino-champ video

Filipino Champ in his post game interview with IFCYipes. The first part of the video is the final series between Filipino Champ VS Dios -X-. If you can't say something nice, wait for Filipino Champ to say it.

12:45 Filipino Champ begins keep it real.

13:45 "[Dios -X-] plays [UMvCs] like a scumbag"

14:10 "[Dios -X-] got to grand finals, even though he looks like a pelican."

There are some classic one liners falling out Champs grill in this interview.

The dumbest thing I saw all night was when Dios -X- changed teams in the last match of the first round AND LOSES!

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[UPDATED] Jul 3, 2012 8:06:21 AM

Jul 3, 2012 by goukijones

The smack talk continues. Where is the interview with Dios -X-?

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You can always count on F-champ to keep it classy. lol

dragonkiss83 rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Jul 3, 2012 by dragonkiss83


Poor Dios. He's a SoCal vet. He just aint the Champ/Noel kinda guy. He keeps it classy and let's the loud mouths do the poppin off. This was his closest moment to the big time fortune and glory. ...for him and SoCal in the ongoing war with NorCal. Rewind to Bar Fights, he has a reputation of letting the moment and crowd get to him. If you watch the Curleh Mustache replay, with CJ runnin the gambling at that tourney, the thought briefly crossed my mind that it was sandbagged... You be the judge! Champ is so emotional though. I wasn't sure he was gonna get off that manpon and wake that Dark Phoenix!

guano rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Jul 3, 2012 by guano

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