Final Fantasy VII Remake Teaser Trailer Sony State Of Play May 2019

By goukijones — May 9, 2019
Tags: final-fantasy gameplay teaser video

Yes, they are still making this game.

Looking good, looking good!  There's some quick footage of the combat and I can't really get a grip on how the action is going to play.  There's a Punish button and an Attack button, I don't have any clue what either one of them do.  Plus a Commands Menu button that seems to be dimmed during combat.  Throughout the trailer I'm still only seeing parts that look like they are from early in the game.  What worries me is that the game may be so extravagant that they do actually release it episodic style like was mentioned in the past.  It'll be a strange thing for the industry, but not something that is crazy in 2019.

More to come...

Check out Final Fantasy VII merchandise on Amazon and GameStop.

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake Gouki Box Art

6 Stories

Release Date: Apr 10, 2020

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It looked amazing. Can't wait to see more footage.

sugarninja rated Final Fantasy VII Remake Buy it
May 9, 2019 by sugarninja

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