Full House Poker for Xbox Arcade Avatar CES 2011

By goukijones — January 10, 2011
Tags: arcade avatar ces-2011 demo exclusive exclusive-video full-house-poker gameplay microsoft xbla xbox-360 xbox-360-exclusive xbox-live

Cinderkin found this game, Full House Poker tucked away in the corner of the Microsoft Booth at CES 2011. What the hell is this game?

Microsoft's booth was pretty quiet game wise. Halo Reach was there, something else I didn't really care about and can't even remember now. I just know I was extremely bored and wasn't there for really long. I couldn't wait to get out. Then I saw Cinderkin up agianst the back wall jammed between two televisions, squatting, looking through some narrow passage. A few minutes later when he caught up to me I asked him WTF?! He told me, he found this game called Full House Poker for your Xbox 360 Avatar. My reply ... Nubfarm. Here's the video.


Well, that is cool, and has nice animations like people all mad and dudes yawning, but yo, all you need is RedDeadRedemption poker; its beautiful ;)

Jan 10, 2011 by iorilamia


but you can play poker elsewhere online for free.....

Jan 10, 2011 by shenwoopunch


Well, they didn't say if this would cost MS points or not... Avatar Kinect is allegedly free (though you still have to buy a Kinect).

Jan 12, 2011 by BatRastered


i hate poker games damn!!!!!!!!

Jan 12, 2011 by kof2012


I just one more way to play video game poker.

Jan 17, 2011 by fnjimmy

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