Gamespot Marvel vs Capcom 3 Tournament Round 1

By Cinderkin — January 29, 2011
Tags: gamespot marvel-vs-capcom-3 mvc3 seth-killian tournament video

Gamespot recently held a single elimination best of 3 rounds tournament in conjunction with Capcom. They posted a video showing some of the highlights as well as an interview with Seth Killian. Check it out!


Will anyone agree with me that the announcer has to go? There is already a ton of vocal work going on during the match, the last thing I need is some chick yelling at me while I play. Other than that, this game looks amazing! Look out for the Marvel vs Capcom 3 tournament soon. Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Fate of Two Worlds Gouki Box Art

139 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Feb 15, 2011

Buy it! 73% - Rent it! 18% - Flush it! 9%

These players are horrible T_T

iorilamia rated Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds Buy it
Jan 29, 2011 by iorilamia


No where does it say that pro players are in these videos. How good are you iorilamia? You should appreciate seeing the game in its true form. How you and your friends would play it. As much as we love seeing pro's play the games. It's nice to see dropped combos, and crazy shit that would never happen with perfect execution. You get what I'm saying? I've had a ton more fun playing Super on nights like Street Fighter Sundays, because all of the seriousness is out the window and you get to see some amazingly fun stuff. Like me U2 with Hakan on Psycho Crusher. You'd never see that in a pro video, because they know the in's and outs of the game.

All I'm saying is have a little appreciation for the casual side of fighting games bro.

Cinderkin rated Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds Rent it
Jan 29, 2011 by Cinderkin


I'm not saiyng i dont have apreciation for casual games, I play casually with my friends all the time. But if someone is bad, they are bad. And i didn't say theirs pro players in this video. And I don't know how good I am, but im guessing I am decent because the game (as heard from many interviews) is similiar to TvC and TvC players will feel comfortable.

iorilamia rated Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds Buy it
Jan 29, 2011 by iorilamia


ps. the hakan U2 psycho crusher was awesome,lol

iorilamia rated Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds Buy it
Jan 29, 2011 by iorilamia


Still iori has a point that they are horrible......

shenwoopunch has not rated Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds yet.
Jan 29, 2011 by shenwoopunch


just 2 more weeks..........just 2 more weeks

blazemanx rated Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds Buy it
Jan 29, 2011 by blazemanx


I don't think it's the "excitement" she is smelling...

BatRastered rated Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds Rent it
Jan 29, 2011 by BatRastered


I can't wait too blazemanx I want this game so bad.

ariscool24 has not rated Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds yet.
Jan 30, 2011 by ariscool24


MVC3 drug fix in 2 weeks

shenwoopunch has not rated Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds yet.
Jan 30, 2011 by shenwoopunch


i wouldnt want to enter that tournament i want to try the game for myself not in front of alot of people to much pressure and i could get a better opinion of the game without having to stand in a crowd people saying this and that that shit pisses me off

kof2012 has not rated Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds yet.
Feb 1, 2011 by kof2012


Gamespot blows

Phresh rated Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds Flush it
May 5, 2011 by Phresh

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