Gotham City Impostors E3 2011 hands on
By BatRastered —
June 12, 2011
Team Gouki had a chance to play Gotham City Impostors at the Warner Bros. booth at E3 2011.
FnJimmy and I had finished playing some Arkham City and were lured into the depths of the Warner Brothers booth by this fantastic booth babe. FnJimmy has some NSFW photos from another angle I think. She's the official BatRastered booth babe of the year for staying in character and talking smack.
Anyway, we were welcomed to play a demo of the game in a 3 on 3 objective matches. FnJimmy and I took opposite teams of course. The game reminded me of Brink since it was PvP only and seemed to feature objective based gameplay only. Unlike Brink, Gotham City Imposters is a download-only title, appearing on Xbox live arcade and PSN sometime in 2012. In other words, it won't be a $60 rip-off.
The game controls well, with standard FPS controls (click the stick to run, triggers shoot, x and y (square and triangle) reload and swap weapons respectively. You use the bumpers to use your character's special powers. I had a proximity mine and some sort of glider device on mine.
FnJimmy's team and mine ended up tied 2 all and had to go into overtime, next team to score wins. We fought to a draw thanks to me always having a proximity mine on the objective when the other team came in. Maybe that's a bit overpowered.
Here's the full press release:
Critically Acclaimed Monolith Productions Shatters First-Person Shooter Model with Over-the-Top Gameplay Where Players Become Personalized Versions of The Bats and The Jokerz
BURBANK, Calif. – May 16, 2011 – Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment today announced Gotham City Impostors, an original download-only first-person shooter where players battle for control of an unhinged Gotham City overrun by impostors inspired by the DC Comics characters Batman and The Joker. Developed by Monolith Productions, the game will be available in the Xbox LIVE® Marketplace for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, Windows PC and PlayStation®Network.
“Gotham City Impostors blows apart expectations for superhero games with an exaggerated take on first person shooters, set in a part of the DC Universe players have never seen before,” said Samantha Ryan, Senior Vice President, Production and Development, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. “Monolith is creating a game that turns Gotham City upside down and we think fans are going to have a blast with this creative twist on multiplayer heroism and anti-heroism as they play up the classic rivalry between Batman and The Joker.”
Gotham City Impostors is a multiplayer game unlike any other, giving players the opportunity to rebel against conformity as they customize their own characters. Posing as amateur vigilantes or villains, gamers will create their very own Bats and Jokerz characters using unprecedented customization options including insane costumes, homebrewed gadgets and a wide range of traditional and imagined weapons.
The game will feature maps and modes inspired by DC Comics’ Batman license. Fans can visit for more information and to sign up to receive updates regarding the game.
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Release Date:
Feb 8, 2012