Gouki Street Fighter Tournament Grand Finals & Interview w/ frq filipinoman

By goukijones — January 26, 2015
Tags: gameworks las-vegas video

Jan24, 2015. Recorded live from GameWorks Las Vegas, NV.

Thank you to all the players that traveled from out of state to join us on Saturday.  Here's a replay of the Grand Finals match.  Gustavo VS frq filipinoman.  We'll be adding more matches to our YouTube channel this week.

Thank you to KulticLV for all the commentary & excellent interview work.  https://twitter.com/KulticLV

Here's a tweet from frq filipinoman stylin' on Vegas.



You can still catch us every Tuesday @ GameWorks in Town Square Las Vegas, NV. #FMIWT 6-11 in the GameWorks restaurant.

Thank you all for coming out to the tournament.  Check out our next major in May.  LVL UP EXPO over $10k in cash & prizes!

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