Gouki.com Fund Raiser Auctions 8/12/2011

By goukijones — August 12, 2011
Tags: deals-jimmy fund-raiser

You guys all know Gouki.com is a very small company ran by two Jimmys in a 8x8 spare room right? Well need to raise some money. I listed a bunch of things on our eBay account you should check out. Games, Swag, and some paraphernalia.

Help spread the word about these great auctions or keep it to yourself, as long as you bid. 

We're heading to PAX in a few weeks and we're trying to raise some extra cash for the trip. This way, we can bring you Jimmys tons of exclusive coverage and of course we'll bring back some swag for you guys. Check out the auctions.


Nintendo Wii W/ Mari Kart +wheel and more games

Tritton AX Pro Headset PS3 & XBOX 360


E3 2011 Swag Bag Deus EX, Bastion, GOW3 Cole Plushie

Aliens Colonial Marines E3 2011 T-Shirt RARE


ModNation Racers

God of War III


Mortal Kombat

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit

Duke Nukem Forever

Don't be a Jimmy, share this story with your friends or somebody you know looking for some Deals Jimmy.

Thank you Gouki.com community.



Nothing on the list I'm personally looking for, but best of luck.

Aug 12, 2011 by dragonkiss83


I might be interested in getting that Duke Nukem Forever game. I'll put it in my watch list.

Aug 12, 2011 by Arthvader


infamous2 is epic, I recommend it ;)

Aug 14, 2011 by iorilamia


that shirt is badass

Aug 15, 2011 by kof2012

de bad shot

i am sure duke nukem will be your best seller

Aug 17, 2011 by de bad shot

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