Gouki.com Points and Achievement list. Get Points Win Prizes!!

By goukijones — November 22, 2010
Tags: achievement exclusive goukicom-achievements goukicom-points points

Welcome to Gouki.com. Write about video games the way you want. News, Blogs, Reviews or whatever you want to call it. Earn points and unlock achievements to move up the leaderboard. Win prizes and be entered into contests.

So here is how it works Jimmy. You get points for voting on stories and leaving comments, but the most points can be earned from actually writing on Gouki.com. It can be a News, a blog, review, preview or pretty much just about anything video game related. [Very Important Read Our FAQ] Keep it personalized for the most success. The better your story, the more "like" votes, comments and views you get, the more Gouki.com points you will earn. Below is a list of all the points and achievements you can unlock on Gouki.com. Starting with the Daily Double. The best way to get double points visiting every day.

Daily Double - Vote on any story, Comment on any story, and Write your own story. = 55k. (Once per day.)
Leave a comment = 5k per story that you comment on.
Vote on a story = 10k per vote.
Write a story = 40k per story.
Daily Double = 110k total.

Story Points - For each story you write you get 40k, plus these bonuses depending on how popular your story is.

Comments Galore
Receive 5 comments on your story = 50k (per story) - Bronze
Receive 15 comments on your story = 250k (per story) - Silver
Receive 30 comments on your story = 1m (per story) - Gold
Receive 100 comments on your story = 3m (per story) - Platinum

Liked - You receive 15k points for every “like” vote for your story.
Receive 10 "like" votes on your story = 100k (per story) - Bronze
Receive 20 "like" votes on your story = 500k (per story) - Silver
Receive 40 "like "votes on your story = 1m (per story) - Gold

Popular - The more popular your story becomes the more points you get. *Hint use the share buttons to get your friends to read, vote and comment on your story.
Write a story that gets 1k views in 24 hours = 100k (per story) - Bronze
Write a story that gets 20k views in 24 hours = 1million (per story) - Silver
Write a story that gets 50k views in 24 hours = 2.5million (per story) - Gold
Write a story that gets 100k views in 24 hours = 5million (per story) - Platinum

Jimmy’s Seal of Approval - Your story is featured on Gouki.com = 1 Million (per story)
It’s alive - Secret Achievement = 50k (once per story)
Journalist - Write a story that gets 25k total views per story = 500k (per story)
Love it or Hate it - Get 50 “like” or “dislike” votes on 1 story = 5m (per story)

User Achievements - You unlock these as you continue to use Gouki.com.

Opinionated - You recieve 5k per story that you comment on.
Leave 25 comments = 250k - Bronze
Leave 250 comments = 1m - Silver
Leave 1000 comments = 5m - Gold
Leave 5000 comments = 10m - Platinum

Votin’ Ass! - You receive 10k each time you vote "Like" or "Dislike" on a story. So vote honestly if you think the story is good or bad.
Vote 10 times = 250k - Bronze
Vote 100 times = 1m - Silver
Vote 500 times = 3m - Gold
Vote 1000 times = 5m - Platinum

Judge This! - You receive 15k for each catalog item you vote on. You can only receive these points after the game is released.
Rate 5 catalog items = 100k - Bronze
Rate 100 catalog items = 1m - Silver
Rate 250 catalog items = 5m - Gold
Rate 500 catalog items = 10m - Platinum

Hype it up! - You receive 15k for each catalog item you vote on. You can only receive these points until the game is released.
Rate 5 catalog items = 100k - Bronze
Rate 100 catalog items = 1m - Silver
Rate 250 catalog items = 5m - Gold
Rate 500 catalog items = 10m - Platinum

Writer - You receive 40k for each story you write.
Write your first story = 100k - Bronze
Write 10 stories = 250k - Silver
Write 100 stories = 5m - Gold
Write 500 stories = 10m - Platinum

What up Jimmy? - Sign-up = 100k
Jimmy sent me... - Recommended by a Gouki.com user(Click a link sent to you by another user.) = 100k
Have a shot of Jimmy Juice - 1 month Anniversary = 100k
Break out a bottle of Jimmy Juice - 1 year Anniversary = 1 million
Civic Duty - Voted at least once = 20k
That’s just, like, you’re opinion man... - Leave at least one comment = 10k
I’ll be the judge of that - Rate at least 1 catalog item = 50k
Politician - Get 25 “like” or “dislike” votes on 1 story = 1m
Revival - Secret Achievement = 1 million

Refer a friend and you both get 100k points. This is repeatable. Use the referral link in your profile.

Tell ‘em Jimmy sent you... - Recommend a Jimmy to Gouki.com = 100k


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