Halo 4 Jimmy clip of the Week with Gorilla Warbear

By goukijones — April 29, 2013
Tags: video

Gorilla Warbear in a classic team killing move. No regard for his teammate. I was just making the comment too that we were the purple team.

So when you watch this, I don't know why I have a red arrow over my head & not my name. I could see his name. Man, I don't know what happen to Halo, but it's taken a serious dive. A dive straight down. It takes forever to get a match, then Jimmys come & go & fuck everything up. Then you got your own teammate like Jimmy ass Warbear here killing you. Fuck!

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Halo 4

Halo 4 Gouki Box Art

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 6, 2012

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