Halo 4 Live action trailer and first gameplay video

By BatRastered — June 4, 2012
Tags: 343-industries e3-2012 halo-4 trailer video-game-awards

The very first thing we were shown at Microsoft's Xbox E3 media briefing. We saw a cool trailer for Halo 4, but then we were surprised with some actual gameplay.

First a blend of live action and some clips from the game. This is the official trailer.

Description: Exclusively from E3: Part 1 of the Halo 4 E3 briefing. The "Commissioning" Live-Action Trailer witness the unbridled optimism of the launch of the UNSC Infinity, then its crash as an ancient evil pulls it into a mysterious world where the Master Chief will begin an epic new Halo adventure.

Now some real gameplay:

Description: Exclusively from E3: Get ready for more Halo 4 with gameplay from E3 2012. Part 2 of the game demo begins with edge-of-your-seat entertainment as the Master Chief faces new enemies and deadly technology as he races to save the shipwrecked UNSC Infinity.

Halo 4

Halo 4 Gouki Box Art

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 6, 2012

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