Halo Infinite Multiplayer The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

By goukijones — June 13, 2021
Tags: halo multiplayer preview

Who else is ready to go back 20 years?! Just for fun.

This trailer shows a lot of fan favorites game types returning. Perhaps, maybe, pure speculation… A large epic capture-the-flag game mode with all of the Halo vehicles and a bunch of new toys. Grapple Jack! Skewer acquired! No Scope! Overkill!

How is it all going to work?

The Halo Infinite Multiplayer is going to be Free-to-play. Which means, Battle Pass, Battle Pass, Battle Pass. Sad. Not much shown for the big team battle or any other new modes. I really do hope Halo brings back large-scale Big Team Battles or I just don't think it's going to compete with anything else for too long. I'll be paying very close attention to this. More to come.

Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite MP Gouki Box Art

20 Stories

Release Date: Dec 8, 2021

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