Community Halo Reach

By Gorilla WarBear — September 17, 2010
Tags: review

Little let down by the reach, or do you think its the best thing since Mac D was invented, lemme know yoor opinion.

What is youre opinion of Reach right mow?, let me here your thoughts, personaaly i am a little disappointed ATM, feeling like i been ripped of, although it can be fun to play and i am having a blast, i feel as though Map wise, they have updated various maps from halo 2 poorly and the ranking system sucks,cmon Bungie, sort it out.
Reach is fun and i have enjoyed playing with familiar faces again, which is always fun once we all get on, but it feels like some thing is missing?
again guys lemme know what you think.

Halo Reach

Halo Reach Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

80 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Sep 14, 2010

Buy it! 85% - Rent it! 12% - Flush it! 3%

I love everything about it so far. I think the true rating system is working the way that Bungie planned. I thought at first people would be stat whores and not work as teams, but I was wrong. In Halo 3 you really couldn't tell the difference in the 50's. What I mean is that some people were carried to 50, where others were legit. I do think that not having that ultimate goal of getting to 50 kinda sucks though, especially before starting a match and seeing the other teams rankings. It seemed like it used to get me fired up and going when you would see a team of 4 50's. We'll see how this plays out when the leagues are released.

As far as the maps, I think the Halo 2 maps are awesome. Those are the ones that I enjoy playing on the most. The remake of Ivory Tower with those shiny hardwood floors makes you want to use your left bumper to run and try to slide across, haha.

The gameplay is very smooth for the most part. It has the old Halo and Halo 2 feel to it, the sniper swipe is back baby! It's also a lot harder to take over a game by runnin and gunnin because of the time it takes for shields to recharge.

Overall I'm very satisfied with it, and I'm sure Bungie will released more maps like in the past. See you on the battlefield Jimmys!

ThaBrad rated Halo Reach Buy it
Sep 17, 2010 by ThaBrad


They really need to let you remap the scope/zoom to the left trigger. I feel way less precise when trying to use the RS to do two things like that.

BatRastered rated Halo Reach Buy it
Sep 17, 2010 by BatRastered


That's why i'm really looking forward to razers controller that they are releasing. Those two extra bumpers at the top that you can remap to any other button on the controller. I hope it lets me zoom by holding it and zooms back out when i release it though.

thabrad rated Halo Reach Buy it
Sep 17, 2010 by thabrad


I'm loving it right now. The ranking system in the Arena is great. Not only does it boost the competition, but it makes teammates try to score better than each other. No excuses for lookin' like a Bad Shot now.

The maps... yeah, that's always been a big issue for me. 3-4 of these maps are from old Halo games. The maps are all used in the campaign and we only have 13 for multiplayer.

I really think the ante could have been upped on the map selection. Here's to a community playlist, that's what we need with endless maps.

goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Sep 17, 2010 by goukijones



choke has not rated Halo Reach yet.
Sep 17, 2010 by choke


Love it. Best thing since Halo CE.

akskiller rated Halo Reach Buy it
Sep 17, 2010 by akskiller


Map selection is weak. I notice I only play the same 3 or 4 maps every time!

Other than that it's Halo AKA Garbage!

Cinderkin rated Halo Reach Rent it
Sep 17, 2010 by Cinderkin


Beating the Campaign makes me want to play Halo CE's campaign again.

akskiller rated Halo Reach Buy it
Sep 17, 2010 by akskiller


Heard, Halo CE ftw.

goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Sep 17, 2010 by goukijones


Looking like a bad shot heard!

ErikEstrada has not rated Halo Reach yet.
Sep 17, 2010 by ErikEstrada


From what I've seen, it looks really good. You do not know how badly I want this game. xD Problem is, is that I don't own an xbox. -sigh- D;

Pwny has not rated Halo Reach yet.
Oct 9, 2010 by Pwny


I personally do not like Halo Reach. Nothing changed and it seems like none of fun Halo 3 gave was transferred into Reach. It now seems like a competitive game than how it was with Halo 3

GreenFire999 has not rated Halo Reach yet.
Oct 13, 2010 by GreenFire999

Gorilla WarBear

the more i play the more i like, just the ranking system sucks big time

Gorilla WarBear has not rated Halo Reach yet.
Oct 17, 2010 by Gorilla WarBear



kof2012 rated Halo Reach Buy it
Jan 22, 2011 by kof2012

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