Community Halo Reach Player Analyzer
By ThaBrad —
December 2, 2010
HaloCharts has come up with a way to tell you where your weaknesses are... or have they?
First let me say that I've been a member of HaloCharts for a little while now and love the extra stats that they give you for certain things in all of the Halos. An example would be that they tell you what you would be ranked in Halo Reach if they'd kept the original ranking system. Hell, I've even played their texted based Halo game, HaloSphere.
I was very disappointed with this feature from HaloCharts. First off, Bungie posted on their site in the news section that HaloCharts had released this, and HaloCharts was in no way prepared to handle this...result = epic failure. Halo Charts was down all day yesterday. If you went to their site it said, HaloCharts is very busy right now. The second reason is that the analyzing that they do is just against their community and doesn't help you in any way. They are only telling you how much better or worse you are then the population average on their site, for example in Competitive - Games Won.
To sum this thing up, definately check out HaloCharts sometime, but don't do it just for the analyzer.
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Sep 14, 2010