Community Halo Series

By Gorilla WarBear — August 12, 2010
Tags: halo-reach-giveaway

"We used to sit and play unreal, johnny awsomes claim to fame was being in the top ten in the world at the fooker, a feat he would never ever reach on Halo."

I have always been into video games, playing on consoles such as Atari 2600, yes Atari 2600, Commodore 64, Sega Master System, Mega Drive. Throughout my teenage years i amused myself with games such as Fifa 94, Road Rash, Sonic the Hedgehog, i was never a mario fan, sorry, then i started to expand my gaming experiences with a super NES, nintendo 64, playstation 1 then 2.Original resident eviol lol and of course Golden eye my first, first person shooter. 

Each time new challenges within new games came to light and needed defeating, Mario Kart on the snes was mind blowing when sat with my pals smoking some weed for countless hours.

Then as i got older and consoles advanced i was introduced through some friends to Xbox, and Halo, a crowd of us would gather at a mates house drink in one hand weed in the other, we would sit for more hours playing one v one on halo, here i was introduced to system link and i thought that it was awesome.

One day in November 2002 i think, a good friend of mine who had shared all these experiences explained called me and told me that he had purchased an online account for £40 and that he could now play online, eh what the fuck i thought and scootered round to his house to see what the fuck was going on, here i was introduced to a mind blowing out of this world experience, playing other people online from around the world, now this may seem strange to all you tecno, gaming freaks, but i had not seen anything like it, i was hooked, i hardly seen my wife or 2 kids for a few days the amount of time i spent at johnnys house, god dam i did not have an internet connection and needed my fix of this new experience. We used to sit and play unreal, johnny awsomes claim to fame was being in the top ten in the world at the fooker, a feat he would never ever reach on Halo.

A few months passed and i eventually got myself an xbox just in time for the release of Halo 2, i had got myself online known as The Robbo but eventually changed this to Gorilla as you yanks kept on calling me robocop which was annoying, anyway, when Halo 2 came out my life changed forever i was now open to a world within a world, i remember meeting Erik Estrada, Chief noob Powercat, Gouki jones, late Kdigga( miss you man, an old school players who have disappeared Legit Detonator, Smelly Crack, pants party, i was now sharing my life with total strangers who all had one thing in common and that was the love and enjoyment of the Halo, man we spent sooooo many hours together kicking ass and getting our ass kicked, bitching to each other, going in moods and turning the console off mid game cause Kdigga had betrayed me again and again accidently of course. I would work my shift at work looking forward to getting home and playing some more, we shared so many new experiences online with the friendships that we created, Halo 3 came out and we pwned the shit out of it, i remember getting a call at 2 in the morning saying the Beta was available and i played it solid for nearly 2 days, my wife threatened to leave me lol.

Halo has been a major factor various times an issue, lol in my life over the years, the experience shared with the new friendships created will be with me forever, i thank bungie for this cheers chaps, and i also thank the guys i have played with for many years and hopefully will continue to do so in the up and coming months on Halo Reach, a new chapter to this story.

Thanks for reading and remember i never play for fun, its far to god dam serious to think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Halo Reach

Halo Reach Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

80 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Sep 14, 2010

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