Hands on with Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

By BatRastered — June 21, 2010
Tags: e3-2010 exclusive preview video

Wolves and bigger wolves get whipped and stabbed...

I had a chance to play Castlevania: Lords of Shadow for a short while at Konami's E3 booth. The game brings Castlevania into the current generation with a play style similar to the God of War series. The whip action controls well and throwing daggers is quick and easy. The only enemies I got to fight were werewolves and larger werewolves that were in turn ridden by the smaller ones. Weird.  You can pull off some neat combos with the different whip attacks and you can unlock new moves as you progress through the game. The cutscenes are skippable but they do feature the voice of Patrick Stewart. Whatever, this being a Kojima game, I can see some of these scenes being on the long side, so as long as I can skip, I'm happy.

Take a look at me playing Castlevania at E3.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Castlevania Lords of Shadow Gouki Box Art

2 Stories

Release Date: Oct 7, 2010

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