Community Have you ever seen Ugly Americans?

By DragonKiss83 — June 5, 2011
Tags: 345-games backbone-entertainment blog comedy-central e3-2011 mtv ugly-americans

A very weird cartoon will probably mean a very weird game.

The game Ugly Americans: Apocalysegeddon is based on a TV show on Comedy Central.  If you never watched it I can explain real quick.  The main character is a social worker for monsters.  He helps them adapt and find a place in the world.  They go though some really weird shit.  His roomate and friend is a sex obsesed zombie.  His co-worker is a drunk wizard.  His girlfriend is a sucubus.  And his boss is a demon trying to bring the world to it's end.  There is also a human cop who is always trying to arrest or kill his monster clients.  So yeah it's pretty strange.  I'm not sure how they are planning to turn it into a game though.  On gamasutra they say it will be a four player side scrolling shooter that you can download for $10.  There are supposed to be more details given at E3.



Ok yes! Ugly Americans is a kickass show but...I can't see this as a good game in any way. Aaaaand anyone who hasn't seen this, go watch atleast one episode ;)

Jun 5, 2011 by iorilamia


i really enjoy that show im kinda shocked though that a game is being made

Jun 6, 2011 by blazemanx


Just saw exclusive footage at, this game looks like shit. The main gun they showed is a chicken cannon, so that gives you an idea where this is headed. And one of your targets is going to be a flock of the man-birds. I'm over it.

Jun 6, 2011 by DragonKiss83


I think I watched this before

Jun 18, 2011 by kof2012


Good, I don't think so...

Jul 18, 2011 by Ripper71

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