Community Horror movie games like Halloween and Hellraiser comming?

By DragonKiss83 — March 26, 2011
Tags: beefy-media hellraiser horror news rumor

Would you like to play as some of the classic Horror characters?

The Weinstein Company has announced that they are teaming up with Beefy Media to bring some of the titles they have home as games.  The Weinstein Company has titles like Hellraiser, Halloween, Scream, Children of the Corn, as well as a ton of others.  And Beefy Media has Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, Marvel vs Capcom 2, and Bionic Commando. There was a Hellraiser game in the works a few years back and it never got to see the light of day, could it be getting a new chance?  Do you want to be Michael Myers or Maybe hunt him down?

Is this something you have been waiting for?  Could they make them worth playing?  Don't be a Jimmy, let's hear some thoughts.

Original source.


Would be interesting to see what type of gnar horror games can be made. We are used to so many action horror games, even the survival ones aren't scary.

Mar 26, 2011 by iorilamia


I still think the games like Fatal Frame that get in your head are way better than the games that are all gore. Gore does not equal horror.

Mar 26, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Exactly right, gore is just gross, creepy is where its at!

Mar 27, 2011 by iorilamia


The last game that really freaked me out was Eternal Darkness - Vintage N64 days!

Mar 27, 2011 by goukijones


horror games are good made really good by all those japanese developers

Mar 27, 2011 by kof2012


sorry forgot the word made^

Mar 27, 2011 by kof2012


@ gouki I thought Eternal Darkness was the Gamecube game that messed with you. It acted like it reset and stuff.

Mar 31, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Universal is bringing us Chucky later this year, will there be any other games creeping up on us for Halloween?

May 19, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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