Community How do games make you feel?

By DragonKiss83 — May 11, 2011
Tags: blog

Have you ever been relieved a character survived? Upset that one died?

Since it was decided that games are art ( I've been thinking a lot about the connections we as gamers make with the characters we play as.  With movies you want to see the hero save the day, you look forward to the bad guy getting their ass kicked, you watch the nerd get the girl, this is all done to draw you in.  The same concept applies to music making you feel calm or amped up.  Or the pictures and paintings that make you feel pity for the most defenseless people and animals, or all hot and bothered about some hot guy or girl.  It's all about a connection.  You'll pay for something that appeals to you.  Video games go for this as well.

Hero that saves the day?

There are tons of times where at the end of the game you save the world.  And you feel proud you helped.  The harder the fight, the higher the stakes, the better you feel when you win.

And many of us were moved by the death of a character.

Sometimes you see the death coming, sometimes you don't.

These are just a few examples, but there are so many more.  When is the last time a game got a response from you?  How many scenes from a game are etched in your brain?  let's hear it.

And let's not forget even our systems get an emotional response sometimes.


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