How does Xbox Live Friends and Followers work?

By goukijones — March 28, 2016
Tags: anime-revolution las-vegas live-stream-highlights sugarninjalv video

While trying to demo SugarNinjaLV's skills on The Division, GoukiJones (Myself) manages to demonstrate that he does not know how the Xbox friends list works at all. #dontbeajimmy

I don't know why they changed the friend invite thing.  I don't want random Jimmys following me know when I log in and out and what I'm playing and I don't even know it?  Is that how it works?  Jimmy?  Just send me a friend invite and I can accept or you can fuck off.  That's the classic way.  I'll admit I look like a nuab in this video, but I just had no idea how bad friending had become.  It's no wonder I have none.  

Tom Clancy's The Division

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Release Date: Mar 8, 2016

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