How NOT to camp in Battlefield 3

By goukijones — January 5, 2012
Tags: video

In Battlefield 3 I understand that you gotta camp and protect yourself well when you are sniping. But this is ridiculous, the entire squad can be seen atop the crane on the Gulf of Oman map from the Back to Karkand DLC. During a conquest match!

Monkey see monkey do right? Well the entire squad is on top of this crane with mobile spawn points & motion detectors. 1 spot from anybody on the other team and that tower will light up like a tree. 2 well placed mortars would take all those Jimmys and their equipment out. Don't be a Jimmy! This was during a conquest match too. We need you nuabs on the ground.

Battlefield 3

Battlefield 3 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Oct 25, 2011

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