How to do a UMvC3 infinite TAC + Mike Ross Bodied in the ER
By goukijones —
June 27, 2012
This video contains an in-depth explanation about the infinite TAC, how they work and how to do them. Is it a broken glitch in the game or not?
Skip tp 27:30 in the video to watch about the infinite TAC combos.
Shout out to Mike Ross, get well soon whitey!
Cross Counter was pretty bad with out Mike Ross last night. It's bad enough without Gootecks. Inbetween the shows last night (CC and DrSubZero) the Jimmy that runs that program over there said;
"We lost Gootecks and now we lost Mike Ross."
That to me sounded like Mike Ross was gone from this show too. Later on I found out Mike Ross is actually in the hospital disquised as a white guy. So who knows what is going on.
The Jimmy(Renic?) on the left is pretty terrible in this. 0 Personality is coming out of his grill. The dude from the other Cross Counter Asia show is alright and he had great questions during the demo part in the video below.
So what did you think? Can you do this? I got one with Hsien-ko already. Vote, Comment and Share. Don't be a Jimmy!
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Nov 15, 2011