Community I think I found a game for the Best Golden Review ever

By dragonkiss83 — November 3, 2012
Tags: blog dragon-ball kinect-exclusive namco-bandai spike-chunsoft

There are some games that just scream Golden Review, and this one does it loudest.

I know I as well as most of the users of this site always look forward to seeing a new Golden Review by the one and only FnJimmy.  No one can pull off a review like him.  With his wealth of knowledge, top level gamer tips, and attention to detail he plays only the best games.  Keeping this in mind and knowing that GoukiJones is into Dragon Ball Z I have found the perfect match.

Just imagine seeing FnJimmy do a live golden review.  With Microsoft's ground breaking technology the Kinect he can become a Super Saiyan.

There are over 100 moves he can learn including the Kamehameha.  Can you think of anything better than a first person fight featuring the arms of your favorite characters?   

Everything about this seems like a perfect fit.  There are even 50 characters to play as including the exclusive Super Saiyan Bardock.  Add to that the Dragon Ball Episode of Bardock coming to the US for the first time ever as a 20 minute movie and you have an instant winner.  


So now I ask how many of you would love to see that Golden review?  Do you have any special requests for FnJimmy's next victim?  Let's hear it.


We tried to play this at E3, but got sucked into the Star Trek demo instead. Video of FnJimmy playing this would have been way more valuable. :(

Nov 3, 2012 by goukijones


Have to agree with you there.

Nov 3, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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