Community IGN's Preview of Counter Strike: Global Offensive

By Phresh — August 29, 2011
Tags: ign news pax-2011 preview steam trailer valve video

IGN shows off a trailer at PAX demonstrating and explaining several new game mechanics and changes.

I'm definitely looking forward to this reboot of Counter Strike. I think I'd rather play it on PC though because, if you didn't catch it, console players won't be able to set-up custom games.


Looks pretty fun, but I'm just not a PC gamer. Playing it on the PS3 or 360 works though. And a molotov, hell yeah.

Aug 29, 2011 by DragonKiss83


So I realizd I left out a word in the middle of a sentence, I fix it, and it sends my story back to pending status?

Aug 29, 2011 by Phresh


This game played weird on the 360... LT to crouch B to zoom and RB to swap weapons, also I couldn't find a sprint.

Aug 31, 2011 by BatRastered


Iam psyched for the beta testing did it start already

Sep 8, 2011 by Kof2012

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