iPod Touch now the number 1 portable game console.

By aragrist — September 2, 2010
Tags: apple ipod portable touch

Apple just announced the new iPod Touch and it looks to be the perfect all in one system.

Now I say it's an all in one system which means more people will use it for other things other than gaming. It holds the largest market share of any portable system out there outselling both Nintendo and Sony combined but those numbers only state that the units sold outnumber Nintendo and Sony not that all those units will be used by gamers. The upside for gamers that use iPod Touch is that game companies will have to start taking apple's device seriously as a source of revenue. Even if only 50% of the people that buy an iPod Touch buy games for it that is still a big enough share of the market to make companies like Capcom think about developing new games that take advantage of the 4th gen hardware in the new iPod Touch.

It is very possible that the 3DS will kill and take over the market again but it is unlikely it will out sell the iPod Touch. The difference will be that the 3DS will bring out better 3D games while the iPod Touch will more than likely bring out ports of older side scrollers and a few original 3D titles. The price point of classic games will be around $0.99 to $5.00 while original games or high end game ports will be around $5.00 to $9.99 which will appeal to the same crowd Nintendo likes to target.

Sony needs to make a new portable system or simply give up on that market like Microsoft seems to have done. Sony is in a position to build a system that can rival Apple's and Nintendo's if they just focus on it. but it seems they are spread thin across multiple markets and their gaming focus seems to be home consoles. Their latest attack ads show off crappy $9.99 games to try to get iPod Touch gamers to jump ship. The problem is that most iPod Touch users use their Touch for a lot more than just games. Sony doesn't seem to know this or they just refuse to acknowledge this fact. Sony should consider making the PSP hardware part of their cell phone line or better yet make new hardware that is smaller more powerful and focuses on gaming.

Until Nintendo gets into the cell phone game or until they try their hand at Micro Computers like Apple I don't see a real competitor to the iPod Touch.


I sold my iPod Touch 2 weeks after buying it. I guess I just didn't enjoy it.

Sep 2, 2010 by Cinderkin


I've got an iPhone, so I get the same shit plus a phone. I don't think MS has given up, the new Windows phone 7 series (or WTF it's called) is supposed to be good, plus google's android phones are a serious entry in the portable market now. As it stands, I don't want to carry two devices, so whatever games come to my iPhone are great. SF4!

Sep 2, 2010 by BatRastered


I've been hearing about the win7 phone and if it's anything like windows 7 it will crash a lot and loose your data (I'm having issues with my windows 7 that's making me hate). If the make it like a zune HD with a phone in it then it might be cool but it still won't be an iPhone. Android is cool too but I don't know enough about how it's apps work or how you sync apps to it to make a comment. If Sony or Nintendo entered the cell market you would see high end games but you would also have large bulky handsets to house the hardware that makes high end games possible on a hand held. Personally I would love to see Nintendo go 3rd party on the iPhone and make classic style updates to their library and focus truly high end 3D games for the 3DS. SNES games with newer cleaner high res graphics would fit the iPhone format perfectly. Even N64 games would be sweet. The best is if you can stream the visual data to an apple tv and put your iPhone games on the big screen in HD when you are at home. Come on Apple! Get on that shit!

Sep 2, 2010 by Aragrist


I knew this was going to happen... They made too many apps not to be the #1 portable device

Oct 11, 2010 by GreenFire999


Aha, I'm getting it soooon. c:

Oct 16, 2010 by pwny



Jan 22, 2011 by kof2012

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