Community Japan gets Disgaea 4 in PS Home

By iorilamia — February 24, 2011
Tags: disgaea-4 home japan news ps3 total-game-integration

Remember Sony speaking of doing "Total Game Integration" for upcoming tittles within psHome to draw people in? (Killzone Plaza Defender as an example). Well Japan is doing the same with Disgaea 4!

Disgaea is definately a game to go crazy for. It has been released today in Japan (U.S towards the end of the year) and they brought it in with awesome playstation home stuff. It is called "Disgaea 4 Home Space" , it has several Disgaea type mini-games including a card game and items! In typical psHome fashion one of the items is "Teku-teku Prinny" that follows you around. Any Disgaea fans here? Check out the pics below and leave a comment on what you think about all this, is this as cool as the Killzone3 promotion, do you like Sony trying to bring games and bonuses into psHome? 





I still don't use PS home, but LOVE Disgaea. The first one was the best, but the other 2 were still great. I wish we didn't have to wait so long though.

Feb 24, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Ditto. The only time I use home now is when they do these promotions. Even after the Killzone Plaza Defender, it was kinda cool running around with my ISA costume...but the hype wears off.

Feb 24, 2011 by iorilamia



Feb 24, 2011 by Cinderkin


This is so cool! Wow! I love disgaea! I can't wait to see this at the end of the year! I hope they do something special for North America! DragonKiss83 and Iorilamia, you too rock!

@Cinderkin Suck it! ^_^ You can't comprehend!

Feb 24, 2011 by reipuerto


home = fail

Disgaea = win

Feb 24, 2011 by blazemanx

grey walrus

I second what Cinderkin said.

Feb 24, 2011 by grey walrus


@ blaz- hahaha yea. They realized people REALLY aren't into home( well the ones that are into it are dramatically less than the total amount of psn users), a long with the killzone 3 plaza defender they are trying reaaaaly hard to make Home cool,lol

Feb 24, 2011 by iorilamia


what is this some kind of exclusive game for japanese people thats exactly what it is right

Mar 7, 2011 by kof2012

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