Just how different is Darksiders 2 on the Wii-U? Here's the trailer.

By goukijones — November 9, 2012
Tags: video

THQ releases a game play trailer for Darksiders 2 on Wii-U. What do you guys this think of the new version?

Yeah 0 right? You can't tell the difference from the original trailer. It's the same shit with a Wii-U logo at the end. Good job Nintendo. 

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Darksiders II

Darksiders II Gouki Box Art

15 Stories

Release Date: Aug 14, 2012

Buy it! 80% - Rent it! 20% - Flush it! 0%

Well, maybe they're trying to say it looks a lot better than it would have on the Wii. :)

BatRastered rated Darksiders II Buy it
Nov 9, 2012 by BatRastered


Nice that they finally caught up to the "new" systems that are about to be replaced.

dragonkiss83 rated Darksiders II Rent it
Nov 11, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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