Community Last 8 characters of UMVC3 accidentally revealed?

By iorilamia — July 20, 2011
Tags: leak news rumor ultimate-marvel-vs-capcom-3

We got news of 12 new characters for UMVC3 and videos of 4...could this leak of the last 8 be real?

Strider, Firebrand, Ghost Rider, and Hawkeye have been legitimately announced for UMVC3. Those are the 4 of the 12 new characters. apparently on the Capcom website there was an accidental leak of the last 8 fighters. I'm a bit skeptical because some do look like MVC3 art, but still a bit off and akward. Have a look at Doctor Strange, Frank West, Iron Fist, Nemesis, Nova, Phoenix Wright, Rocket Raccoon and Vergil.


I can see all of these characters fitting well in the MVC3 world (Phoenix is a bit akward, but If Frank West can do it in TvC, anyone can!) Not too much of a RE fan, but Nemisis seemingly would be a fun character to play. Iron Fist is a total badass and would be a great addition too. What do you guys think? Any characters on here you wanted in or think should be booted off?




Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

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