Community Last 8 characters of UMVC3 accidentally revealed?

By iorilamia — July 20, 2011
Tags: leak news rumor ultimate-marvel-vs-capcom-3

We got news of 12 new characters for UMVC3 and videos of 4...could this leak of the last 8 be real?

Strider, Firebrand, Ghost Rider, and Hawkeye have been legitimately announced for UMVC3. Those are the 4 of the 12 new characters. apparently on the Capcom website there was an accidental leak of the last 8 fighters. I'm a bit skeptical because some do look like MVC3 art, but still a bit off and akward. Have a look at Doctor Strange, Frank West, Iron Fist, Nemesis, Nova, Phoenix Wright, Rocket Raccoon and Vergil.


I can see all of these characters fitting well in the MVC3 world (Phoenix is a bit akward, but If Frank West can do it in TvC, anyone can!) Not too much of a RE fan, but Nemisis seemingly would be a fun character to play. Iron Fist is a total badass and would be a great addition too. What do you guys think? Any characters on here you wanted in or think should be booted off?




Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Gouki Box Art

69 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 15, 2011

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ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i would be PISSED OFF i we get a FUCKIN RACCOON insted of cyclops FUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!

blazemanx has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Jul 20, 2011 by blazemanx


He has little red gloves ^.^v

iorilamia has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Jul 20, 2011 by iorilamia


WTF?! Is this BS Jimmy? lol. I'm always skeptical. There is no MvC3 character circle around any of these pics. And the Raccoon?!?! WTF?!

goukijones rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Rent it
Jul 20, 2011 by goukijones


could be BS, but it was on Capcom Unity earlier, who knows ;)

iorilamia has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Jul 20, 2011 by iorilamia


I didn't see this story, but I put a comment about these and how they were "found" on the other story.

dragonkiss83 rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Jul 20, 2011 by dragonkiss83


The Raccoon >>>>> Nova.

NOVA? Fuck me. Next Darkhawk will be one of the new characters.

choke has not rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 yet.
Jul 20, 2011 by choke


I'm going to main the raccoon to spite you guys.

Phresh rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Buy it
Jul 20, 2011 by Phresh


Confirmed at EVO... :(

BatRastered rated Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Rent it
Jul 30, 2011 by BatRastered

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