Look at all this Final Fantasy XV PreOrder Goodies

By goukijones — November 8, 2016
Tags: pre-order-bonus video

I couldn't believe how many different videos Square just released on all the PreOrder bonuses... check it out!

Maybe I'll play this.

Now I don't know if everybody is getting all of these who pre-ordered.  But I got as ultimate collector's edition in March, so I better get EVERYTHING.

Fishing Jimmy!

Wait there's more....

oh 2 rare ingredients.  >.>

For those photog Jimmys.

Paint jobs for your ride.

*May be the most important bonus so far.

Because clothing makes all the difference.

For you Xbox Jimmys.

Mashers heard!


You know Sephiroth was gonna make an appearance somehow. 

More free weapons.  Prolly not good past level 10.



Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV Gouki Box Art

9 Stories

Release Date: Nov 29, 2016

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