Marvel's Avengers 18 Minute Beginning Of The Game Sequence

By goukijones — August 22, 2019
Tags: adventure avengers gameplay marvel marvel-comics square-enix video

I think this video shows some fun and great looking moments in the game and some awful and not so well-designed gameplay.

Thor and Hulk are out there just murdering.  Iron Man shooting his little pea blaster. Then you have Captain America and the shield gameplay. That looked like a lot of fun, very fast and smooth almost like Rocksteady Batman games. After all that it's a short quick time event scene with Black Widow and Taskmaster flying through the sky.  It finishes off with a good fight between the same two, but there's not hud and a lot of talking. This game, this is the exact same gameplay demo they've been showing for the last few months does not look like a finished product. I gotta say, Hype level for this game is 0.  You tell me where you are with this game after watching the video in the comments below.

Marvel's Avengers

Gouki Marvel's Avenger Generic Box Art

1 Stories

Release Date: Sep 4, 2020

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It looks really strange like it is put together to look cinematic but also show gameplay. Not going to play this one....

sugarninja has not rated Marvel's Avengers yet.
Aug 22, 2019 by sugarninja

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