Mass Effect 3 gets free multiplayer DLC next week

By BatRastered — April 6, 2012
Tags: dlc free news video

2 new maps, new characters, new weapons, and more. You'll still have to unlock them through the random pack system, but hey, at least it's FREE. That's right, free! Deals Jimmy!


Join the war for Earth in Mass Effect 3! Owners of Mass Effect 3 can download the first multiplayer expansion for no additional cost. The Mass Effect 3 Resurgence Pack adds new unlockable content: deadly weapons, new consumables, and powerful characters for each class in multiplayer, including the Asari Justicar, Batarian, Geth, and Krogan Battlemaster. Additionally, the Mass Effect 3 Resurgence Pack also includes 2 new maps, Firebase Condor and Firebase Hydra. Download this pack on April 10th and take the battle online in the critically acclaimed Mass Effect 3 multiplayer experience.

Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

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