Microsoft adds new wireless N adapter to its lineup

By BatRastered — November 11, 2009
Tags: accessories blog wifi xbox-360

Microsoft finally releases a new wifi adapter that plays with 802.11n. Also, it's black.

For those who's XBox 360 is connected to the internet via wifi, this is some good news.

First, the existing wifi adapter (which connects to a, b, or g networks) is getting a price cut from $99 to $79. It's still overpriced, but hey, 20 bucks is 20 bucks.

The reason it's getting this price cut is to make room at the $99 price point for the new wireless adapter which will connect to the recently ratified 802.11n networks offering speeds up to 300mbps (as opposed to the 54mbps of the previous model).

The unit has two antennae and still supports the old standards (so you can upgrade one piece at a time), and supports n in either the 2.4 or 5 GHz range. Oh, and it's black to match your elite system. You have an elite system, right?

xbox 360 wireless n adapter

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