Modern Warfare 2 Giveaway

By goukijones — October 24, 2009
Tags: freeish giveaway Modern-Warfare-2 ps3 xbox-360

Enter to win Modern Warfare 2 for either the Xbox 360 or PS3, your choice! Don't be a Jimmy!

Drawing will be held November 9th!

Rules to be entered in the Modern Warfare 2 drawing. Read carefully Jimmy!

You must be a registered user on

You must have uploaded Avatar at

You must have added either your Xbox 360 Gamertag or your PSN ID or both to your profile.

Log in and leave a comment on THIS story.

This drawing is for ONE copy of the game and you get to choose the system.

Sponsored by
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Xbox 360

*Terms/conditions subject to change at anytime. reserves all rights to this giveaway. Winner will be notified by email so make sure your email is correct in your profile Jimmy!


What up, Jimmy! I'm trying to get that freebie copy of Modern Warfare 2 for PS3. I need some games for my PS3 Jimmy.

Oct 24, 2009 by jalexbrown


That's a good deal jimmy!

Oct 24, 2009 by BatRastered


Awesome bro, count me in for the contest, playing MW2 should be as fun as watchin' ur vlog #10, Who's knows maybe we can get slaughtering in mW2, love the excitement and energy u put into the broadcast!

Oct 24, 2009 by OregonSlacker


Yeah JalexBrown ... Staff is automatically disqualified. There will be other rewards for you big Jimmy!

Oct 25, 2009 by goukijones


Fair enough. Fair enough.

Oct 25, 2009 by jalexbrown

crimson relic

I'm's biggest fan! I hope I win this one, I will be getting my online turned on 3 days before this game comes out! Shootin' for that 360 version, of course. Brutal Legend drawing today, I'd rather win MW 2, but I'll take either!

Oct 25, 2009 by crimson relic


this is great....if a hit the lotto we'll give away crazy stuff!!!

Oct 26, 2009 by bmorenmiami


So I have to go to sony's site and hit a button to make my PSN ID update with my trophies? WTF sony?

Oct 26, 2009 by BatRastered


What button?! WTF?

Oct 26, 2009 by goukijones


On this page:
The button says "refresh" it will take up to 10 minutes to reflect on other sites... blah blah blah... It doesn't even work. LoL.

Oct 26, 2009 by BatRastered


I swear, the most used word on this site is "jimmy" jimmy. Anyway i cant argue with a free copy of CALLZ A DUTA MODERN WARFARE 2!!!!1

Nov 2, 2009 by iJazzercise


this is pretty easy conditions i hope i win

Nov 7, 2009 by yisawa


this is cool and there is nothing to loose , awesome giveaway

Nov 8, 2009 by rackatakk


Where's Vlog #11 Jimmy? Been Slackin' I see
Can't wait to see your impressions of Dragon's Age (and MW2 right around the corner, better go stock up on some Jimmy Juice brother!!

Nov 9, 2009 by OregonSlacker


Is this still on? I'll leave a comment anyways. Won't be able to sleep tonight! Wish I could go to the midnight launch!

Nov 9, 2009 by JayseR


Fuckin' a this is still on! The winner will be announced when I return from the midnight launch with the copy I will give to the winner! TONIGHT!

Nov 9, 2009 by goukijones


Lets see if i win!!!

Nov 9, 2009 by ShamelessBAMF


Yo yo! Congrats to iJazzercise! I'll send you an email today and you send me your info and I'll send out the game immediately! Don't be a Jimmy! Tell a friend Number 1 in the World!

Nov 9, 2009 by goukijones


I WIN!!!!!!

Nov 10, 2009 by ijazzercise


This giveaway is over check out the Call of Duty Black Ops giveaway.

Oct 19, 2010 by goukijones

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