Community Moments Of Video Game Cosplay and Greatness

By starlordtitus — June 5, 2011
Tags: blog cosplay

Now and then when we attend tournaments we see a bit of cosplay, depending on the tournament. Other times, it just happens and you just happen to have a camera. These are the moments of greatness.

I've seen all kinds of cosplay through out the years. Sometimes there were moments of "Damn looks AWESOME", other times it was like "Oh hell nah, you to need to put some clothes on" LOL. But in the moments of mischief, it pays to have a camera handy. Here is the story that pretty much explains itself with a picture being worth a thousand words, pictures tell of people's lives. Behold.


I literally just saw a guy with Akuma beads and decided to ask him if I could wear them :D


The creator of Batman might have rolled over in his grave xD


My friend Kelly as Officer Jenny from Pokemon ;D


Chun Li and Ken! Oh wait, Santa Claus?


The following photos are of my friend CEO's Alex Jebailey! This dude knows how to cosplay xD


That's right, Sesame Street AND Tony The Tiger xD


The fact that it's a black Scorpion makes this photo even better LOL


Yes, that is an EPIC Kratos!



And finally, I leave you all with the most epic cosplay I've seen to date and had the pleasure of sharing with all of you....Halo. Enjoy. Thanks for viewing.



That Kratos is incredible. Thanks for sharing the shots with us.

Jun 5, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Seriously! Of course man:]

Jun 5, 2011 by starlordtitus


Black sckorpion is gdlk

Jun 6, 2011 by iorilamia



Jun 6, 2011 by starlordtitus


Officer Jenny = yummy ^_^

Jun 6, 2011 by blazemanx


Yes definitely, haha Kelly is her name and she's actually a gamer girl who plays in SSF4 tournaments, does martial arts, AND takes care of her body, she has girl abs. It's hot lol

Jun 6, 2011 by starlordtitus


wow dude nice pictures

Jun 18, 2011 by kof2012


Thanks man :D

Jul 18, 2011 by starlordtitus

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