My favorite SSFIV matches from EVO

By choke — July 14, 2010
Tags: daigo-umehara evo-2010 evo2k gamerbee infiltration ricky-ortiz shizza super-street-fighter-iv vangief

My favorite matches from the Super Street Figther IV Finals from EVO 2010.

Alright so here are my top 5 matches from the EVO 2010 Super Street Fighter IV tournament finals (Top 8)

A lot of this is from memory, so God only knows how accurate any of it is because I dont feel like rewatching them all.

5) Infiltration vs Ricky Ortiz (Losers Bracket Final)

4) Shizza vs Infiltration (Losers Bracket)  - Mainly because of the 1st round of the 2nd game.  LOL @ the chipmunk sped up commentary

3) Daigo vs Ricky Ortiz (Winners Bracket match, NOT the final).  I felt like this one had a little more excitement and was closer. 

The Final is also worth watching only because it's a grand finale:

2) Vangief vs Ricky Ortiz (Losers Bracket) - This one just felt intense when it was happening.  Just watched it again and it doesnt seem to hold up.  But I've already written it down so I cant change it now.

1) Gamerbee vs Mike Ross - Just an incredible match all around.  Would have liked either of these guys to advance to the finals.  GO GAMERBEE.  TAIWAN RAGE!!!!

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Release Date: Apr 27, 2010

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