My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic Update

By Aragrist — November 2, 2011
Tags: fighting-is-magic mane6 my-little-pony video

This game is still in development by Mane6 but they started putting out a lot of updates to their progress and on top of that they released a new video showing other characters.

Now of course I'm sure most will look at this and say what the hell are you posting about this girl crap? But trust me, this game actually plays well and is fun. I watch a livestream demo and got to see actual real time game play and considering this is a fan game made by a new developement team with no prior games I'd say they have some skills in the design and gameplay department. This may be a group to watch for in the future when they decided to make other games.

The game itself is freeware and I'm guessing it will be available on Windows PC's and maybe Mac's. Console versions would require getting a proper license from Hasbro. A free app version could show up on the iPhone and Android OS's.

Here's a scene from a livestream preview with the creators of the game. They talk and demo some of the features.

[UPDATED] Dec 3, 2011 10:14:33 PM

Dec 3, 2011 by Aragrist

Quick update:

The guys at Mane Six have made a small update to the character list. Fluttershy is now Official and she has a Plot-load of animal friends that will jump into the fight to kick ass in her defence. That said, the creators assure us that she will not hide behind her pets. I'm guessing her pets will be an extension to her attacks possibly using her magic meter to summon them during combos. As is usual they are being tight lipped about the just how she will work. But they did say that her little bunny Angel will be a force to be reckoned with.

Below is a link to the annoucement from the developers.


[UPDATED] Dec 4, 2011 2:32:40 AM

Dec 4, 2011 by Aragrist

Equestria Daily just posted a picture of a Rarity themed Fight Stick for playing Fighting is Magic with.


The finishing move at the end of video is pretty cool. I'm guessing all the characters will have one. The total playable characters is supposed to hit 17 when the game is finished but could go higher.

Nov 2, 2011 by Aragrist


Hey are any of you Metalocalypse fans? Watch this.

Nov 2, 2011 by Aragrist


No sound effects is weird. Blocking with the butt is cool. When I first saw this game, I thought it was a joke. It is looking much better nowadays, but it still looks like a fan made game. Here's to these Jimmys getting that license.

Nov 2, 2011 by goukijones


I heard the game with sound effects and RainbowCrash88's soundtrack and it looks and sounds great. It needs a lot more effect animation and the sounds need to be improved a bit more but the one thing they are doing that you haven't seen yet is add the voice actors that they hired to record grunts taunts and exclamations. When done the characters should be trash talking while the fight is going on.

Nov 4, 2011 by Aragrist


In case you guys missed this apparently My Little Pony is more badass than any of us thought. You don't believe me? Go watch this Death Battle between Starscream and Rainbow Dash.

Nov 4, 2011 by Aragrist


The Pony is faster than Starscream. Of course the Pony would win. wtf am I saying.

Nov 4, 2011 by goukijones


I love this. I love that everypony is talking about this game. I'm excited to see what other characters get added. I'm hoping for Luna to be a boss and a playable. I love DethKlok too. Mic the Mic is amazing.

Nov 6, 2011 by daisymare


I just want to know what they were on when the idea popped in their head. Who the hell just goes, "wouldn't it be cool if the my little ponies could fight?"

Nov 8, 2011 by dragonkiss83


You obviously don't watch the show or read the fan fics. The show itself is full of insane characters doing psychotic things and the fan fics go even farther into the realm of creepy and disturbing story lines. I read a fic about a plague that infects Equestria called "the Cough". In that story the mane six are holding up in the library home of Twilight Sparkle waiting to see if the plague will pass by but one of the ponies in the room coughs which is an early sign of infection. So they decide that it's better that one dies so the rest may live and so it is that Rainbow Dash has to kick to death her lesbian lover Fluttershy in order to stop the spread of the desease... only after she is done stomping her loves head into mush and crying and sobbing another pony in the room coughs. And that's one of the lesser dark stories from the My Little Pony fandom. I don't even want to talk about Sweet Apple Masacre. That one gave me the shakes. But violence aside there is also a lot of love stories and adventure stories in the fandom that make it a really great world to play in. Fallout Equestria for instance is an amazing story set in the pony world but with the events that take place in Fallout. At over one thousand pages it is probably the longest pony fan fic out there. Luckily there is a guy recording and audiobook version of it. He is at chapter 18 now I believe. That means he only has about 30 more chapters to go... Currently his audiobook version is about 15 hours long. I estimate the total length of the audiobook when complete will be about 45 hours long. So yeah, go check out the fandom and read some stories and get into the show. Also this game is not the only one being made. There are also several RPG's in the works including an MMORPG and all are fan made since Hasbro has no interest in making actual hardcore gamer style games. There's a Zelda style RPG being done that looks really fun and a few Final Fantasy style Pony RPG's. When I say Final Fantasy Style I mean all Final Fantasy Styles. There is one done in the old 8-bit FF style and one in the style of FF VI and even some being done in the style of FF VII through X with full on 3D pony models and combat animations. It just goes to show where the new good games are most likely to come from. Big developers are scared to make really innovated games so independent game makers like the Mane Six are going to be the ones to put out really interesting new ideas about how to make games that are fun to play.

Nov 10, 2011 by Daisymare


What the hell? The video doesn't play anymore! It just says that it's private now. What a fucking jip!

Nov 10, 2011 by Daisymare


Oh, it's fixed! Good. Check out this video for a laugh.

Nov 13, 2011 by daisymare


Got an update and fixed most of the video issues.

Dec 3, 2011 by Aragrist



Dec 21, 2011 by kof2012

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