Community My top 5 favorite RPG villains

By blazemanx — July 2, 2011
Tags: blog pictures rpg

here are my top 5 favorite RPG villains.

As you all know im a RPG fanatic and i have played and beaten many many RPG games. In every RPG game there is a hero but you can't have a hero without a villain. Some villains are dull and don't really seem worth the the hero's time. Then there are those that stand out from the crowd in terms of evilness, look and personality. Trust me i have a big list of awesome villains that i like but i decided to only put down 5. It was hard to pick these 5 out of the bunch but i managed to do it. So without further delay here are my top 5 favorite RPG villains.


Yeager is a villain from tales of vesperia and a pretty cool one to be honest. What really caught my attention with yeager was his german accent. He would add ya at the end of his sentences as if he was asking a question. You know what i mean just imagine it lol. In addition to his cool voice he was a BADASS fighter he was one of the hardest bosses in the game. Tales of vesperia has these secret missions where you complete a goal during boss fights and his secret mission was BY FAR the hardest. Another thing that adds to yeagers appeal is that further in the game after you have defeated him for good you learn more about him. You learn that he was not as evil as you thought he was, he had a little good in him too. I really would love to see yeager in another tales game but i guess that won't happen since he is killed in the game. I think there should be more villains with german accents it just adds a extra cool factor.

Dist the reaper

Dist is from tales of the abyss and is one of the six god generals. Dist is by far the most hilarious villain i have ever seen but in a good way. He is indeed evil but totally comical at the same time weather its intentional or not i have no idea. For starters he has one of if not the best evil psycho laughs ever. He calls others savages and thinks of him self as the most beautiful person alive. He even talks about how his name is beautiful, talk about conceited. He never actually fights he uses machines to do his dirty work and he is a mechanical genius but he just can't fight. He is old friends with one of the main party members and the dialog between the two is comedy gold. When you foil his plans he tells you how he will write it down in his revenge journal. I think there should be more villains like him he adds a frown as well as a smile to your face.

Lezard Valeth

Lezard is from valkyrie profile 1 and 2 he is a genius mage who seeks power beyond that of human kind. Although he was in both games the valkyrie profile 2 version of him is why i like him so much. He was actually a team mate for most of the game until his true motives was revealed and he ended being the final boss of the game. He outsmarts the party and other villains to become a god and create his own dimension so its safe to say that he is a total badass. He is voiced by the same voice actor who voices dist the reaper but trust me he sounds nothing like him. He has a badass deep voice and when he does magic and cast spells he sounds truly epic. There aren't many villains that can out smart gods and become a god him self, lezard truly is a villain to be reckoned with.

Luca Blight

Luca is from suikoden 2 and trust me he is one sick bastard. He is indeed one of the most evil villains you will ever come across in any game. While he was destroying a town he made a woman get on her hands and knees and bark like a dog if she wanted to live. She did what he said then with an evil grin he struck her down with his sword and laughed as if was nothing. He had no regard for human life he was truly a monster. Another thing that adds to him being a great villain is the actually battle with him in the game. It took THREE DIFFERENT TEAMS of SIX to slow him down but even then he was not finished. After you use 18 different characters to beat him he is hit by a barrage of arrows but with arrows sticking out of his body he was STILL not finished. You then had to face him one on one in a duel and that was no walk in the park. It took all that to defeat this man he was truly a hardcore villain and there should be more like him to really give the player a reason to hate one of the antagonist.


Duke is the main villain from tales of vesperia. Duke was an important figure in the great war in which humans and the Entelexeia (mystical creatures) fought. He fought alongside the Entelexeia Elucifer so that humans and the Entelexeia could live in peace. Although they were victorious, some humans no longer trusted the Entelexeia and executed Elucifer. After this betrayal, Duke lost all faith in humanity and cut all ties with them becoming somewhat of a recluse. He only appeared when he felt it was necessary for the protection of the world and the Entelexeia. Duke is one of those complex villains where he has good intentions but his method to achieve his goal is too extreme. He intended to trade all human life on earth in order to save it. He cared more about the earth it self than those who inhabit it. He survives the final battle and helps the heros save the earth their way. He was a guy you wanted to hate but couldn't i like complex villains like that.

There are many more villains that i have come to like and im sure some of you have too. So let us know some of your favorite villains and don't be a jimmy.


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